
Undergraduate 研究 and scholarship is a unique opportunity for students to work with faculty on their scholarship and produce a presentation, 纸, or creative work that contributes to the knowledge or activity of a particular academic discipline.

Some students will work on part of a faculty member’s current 研究 project. Other students may develop an independent project of their own that is guided by a faculty member. 无论哪种方式, students have opportunities in a variety of disciplines to engage in original hands-on 研究 and scholarship.




o Find out what 研究 looks like in your major: what courses include 研究; can you receive credit or compensation for conducting 研究; which professors are involved with undergraduate 研究; where is the 研究 taking place?

Explore possible 研究 opportunities through your department:
o Look on the department website to gain information.
o Talk to professors and other students about 研究.

Attend 大学生研究展 and 学生学者日:
o 大学生研究展 is held the first Tuesday in October. It gives students the opportunity to talk to faculty and organization representatives about 研究 and discuss opportunities to get involved.
o 学生学者日 is a day-long event held the second Wednesday in April. It provides opportunities for students at GVSU to showcase their 研究 to the University community.
o Both events are coordinated by the 本科生研究和奖学金办公室 (我们的) and provide an opportunity to network with faculty and peers.


-Learn what types of 研究 are going on within your department


Talk to your faculty advisor and professors about 研究 and how to get involved:
o Ask your faculty advisor how 研究 may fit with your career goals. Some graduate school programs or careers require 研究 experience, but some do not. Specific types of 研究 experiences may be more useful than others.
o Ask professors what 研究 projects they are currently working on, or have done in the past.
o Ask about alternative 研究 opportunities outside of GVSU.
o Ask possible 研究 mentors what skills/attributes they look for in 研究 students.
o Ask how you could prepare to do 研究 in the next year.

o Ambassadors are happy to share their experiences as undergraduate 研究ers with you

Reach out to the 我们的 office or fill out the 感兴趣的形式
o The 我们的 office can help you get started if you're not sure where to go or who to reach out to.










Take courses that emphasize 研究 methodology and consider 399/499 courses
o Learning about 研究 methodology provides a better understanding of how 研究 is conducted, and provides an opportunity for students to learn why 研究 is important and necessary in our society.
o 399 and 499 courses provide an opportunity to work on a faculty member’s project for course credit, 或者开发你自己的项目.

Get involved with a 研究 project by working with a faculty mentor
o Working with a faculty member can be beneficial for applying to graduate school, 或者为学生未来的职业生涯做准备.g.(获得推荐信).

Consider applying for a summer 研究 program such as S3 or MS3
o 学生暑期学者 (S3) and Modified 学生暑期学者 (MS3) are programs, 通过我们提供, that provide summer 研究 and creative practice opportunities.
o Another potential way to become involved with a 研究 project is to expand beyond GVSU. 夏天的计划, 研究机构, 本科生研究经历(REU), 或者有研究经验的实习 are just some ways that students get involved outside the university. Make sure to consider the full range of 研究 opportunities.

考虑参加暑期项目, 研究机构, 本科生研究经历(REU), 或者有研究经验的实习. Make sure to consider the full range of 研究 opportunities available to you.


-积累实验室工作经验 & 现场技能和/或图书馆 & 研究技能


o 学生学者日 provides the space for students to showcase their work, 包括口头报告, 讨论和小组讨论, 美术展览和表演, 还有海报展示.

Attend or present at a professional conference within your discipline
o Presenting 研究 at a professional conference provides an opportunity to share your findings and learn about 研究 that is being conducted by others within your field of interest.

o Publishing work in journals is a great way for 研究ers to share their findings with the academic community.





2024年7月26日下午4点 - 7:00 PM

The GVSU夏季学者展示 celebrates the scholarship, 研究, and creative work of undergraduate students who participated in summer 研究 through programs such as 学生暑期学者...


2024年10月1日下午5点 - 7:00 PM

The fourteenth annual 大学生研究展 will take place Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from 5 p.上午到晚上7点.m. 2250 Kirkhof Center (Grand River Room). 在活动中,学生们...

